Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February Giveaway!

I'm officially running another giveaway!

The prize: A custom made doll based on a doll from any company except Monster High and Ellowyne Wilde and a meet outfit for the doll, plus the winner's choice of the following:
- a pet
- a second outfit
- an accessory set (such as Saige's accessories from American Girl, but the accessory set doesn't specifically have to be called so-and-so's accessories)
- or a combination of two of the above options

How to enter: Comment on this site and tell me what you want to see more of on this site. Tell me what you like and don't like, and what you want to change. You get an extra entry for blogging about this and giving me the link.

Giveaway ends on February 20. Good luck!


  1. Cool!
    Unfortunately, I can't enter:(
    But I will give you feedback!
    I think more photo shoots would be cool, but I love your blog as it is!

    1. Thanks so much! I'll do my best to do more photo shoots once I finish up the doll house.

  2. I would love to enter! If I won, I would want JLY 46 or Saige

  3. and there is nothing wrong with ur blog I love it just the way it is too

    1. So far you are the only entrant so your winning as of now is assured! :) Thanks for your kind comments.

  4. I would love to enter!!!! I think that the best way to make this blog better is to post more. I understand how it's hard to post every day.

  5. I love the photo shoots. Also, can you do more tutorials?

  6. You are SO talented! Your paper dolls are amazing! I wish I was as talented an artist as you.

  7. This is so cool, thanks! Hmm, how to improve....well, I'd love to see your doll house! :) I loved how you did the series on making paper dolls (which you're amazing at, by the way), so maybe you could show how to make things like Saige's dog (unless you already did and I missed it ;) ). Otherwise, I think your blog is really cool and so unique--keep it up! Oh, and this is an entry for the giveaway. ;) And all my comments are just suggestions-like I said, I think Paper Doll World is already pretty cool. :)

    1. Thanks! Once the doll house is finished (talk about a never-ending project!), I'm definitely going to post pictures.

  8. I posted about this on my blog!!!!
    I'm pretty sure that myself and a few others also have an extra entry from the last giveaway.

    Also, I am having a paper doll gveaway!!!!


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