Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Doll Week - Ellowyne Wilde

Yesterday PaperDollies asked me what my 5 favorite doll brands are. It varies a lot, but Ellowyne Wilde is almost always on the list! They are just so beautiful.

Photo from Loulou Chocolat on Flickr
Unfortunately for paper doll creators, their beauty is extremely hard to capture on paper. It takes me half an hour to come up with a face that I'm only moderately satisfied with. I've searched through the internet for tutorials, to no avail. If you are dead set on making an Ellowyne Wilde paper doll (I'm considering the idea of making Tears of Endearment and dressing her up as Padme), then my best advice to you is to reference the cover of their catalogs (the digital edition is available on the company website) in your drawing, because the doll's face is enlarged and you can see the features a little better. If you create an Ellowyne paper doll, please send me a picture and tell me how you did it! 

Difficulty rating from 1(extremely basic) to 5(extremely difficult) - 5

Good luck!


  1. I agree with you, Ellowyne Wilde dolls are very beautiful.

  2. I love Positively Negative, she's beautiful! Not that all the other ones aren't, because they are.


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