Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Something New

I'm not really used to writing personal posts, but I thought that maybe other people could relate to it so I'm sharing it anyway.

Do you ever have days when you just want to make doll things nonstop, and then days when you can't even look at your dolls? For me, it's a constant cycle. I absolutely love making dolls and doll things, but  storing them and playing with them doesn't bring me quite as much pleasure. This post from Sugar Balloon expresses what I feel much more eloquently, and inspired me to give my doll collection a figurative make-over in terms of simplicity and functionality.

When I designed Quinn's wardrobe, my aim was to keep it simple. Instead of making multiple outfits, I just made two tops, two bottoms, two pieces of headgear, and one pair of boots. No pajamas, no coats, no activity-specific clothes, just a few simple pieces that can be mixed and matched. I tried to accomplish the same thing with Meredith's wardrobe, but I didn't do that for my non-Blythes. Reading the Sugar Balloon piece made me realize that I should. Maybe my problems with playing with dolls come from having too big a doll collection to really appreciate and enjoy.

My plan is to put my current doll collection in storage and remake it in the same way I did with my Blythe collection. I'm going to shrink the size of the dolls I make and narrow down my inventory to the most basic and necessary pieces. With a smaller collection, I think doll play will be much more fun.

Have you ever tried something like this? What items would you say are the most basic and necessary?


  1. How do you play with your paper dolls?

    1. The same way you play with plastic dolls, I suppose - set up a scenario, have the dolls act it out.


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