Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beat the Heat: Make Simple Summer Shoes

When the temperature reaches the triple digits, it's a good idea to slip on a pair of shoes before heading outside to prevent your feet from burning up. Here's a quick and easy tutorial for a pair of shoes that will keep doll feet looking cool and chic on even the hottest days.

Measure your doll's feet on a piece of paper, and draw the general outline of the shoe. 


Draw in the details of the shoe. I made simple bow flats, but you can get really creative here with all sorts of patterns and details. A photography tip: if you can't get the camera to focus, add a doll to the photo. The camera will recognize a face, and then auto-focus to the proper degree. 


Color them in, cut them out, and tape them to the doll's feet. You may need to trim them a little to get the exact fit. 

What items would you like a tutorial for?


  1. A lemonade stand? Did you get my contest entry?

  2. that is soooo cute!!!

  3. Hi Maybe you should do a tutorial for pets. or computers. or umbrellas. or a swimming pool. or a sprinkler. or books. I also think you should give Quinn a RC (remote control, could be any size you want) dirigible.
    Miss Bliss or Rebecca

  4. Thank you, thank you so much for this tutorial!! I've been wondering how you've done this and FINALLY I know how! Thanks again and again! Now my 6 paper dolls need to go shoe shopping...I daresay they'll ransack the custom shoe maker(cough) me!



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