Friday, August 2, 2013

Entry 6 - Jordy (Dollygirl)

Name: Jordyn Emily Walters
Age: 12

Hi! I’m Jordyn Emily Walters, but everyone calls me Jordy! Right now I’m wearing my medieval princess dress my mom made! My mom is a dressmaker, and I think she’s the absolute BEST! The dress is mostly made of a heavy, velvety material, and it’s lined with satin! It also has some taffeta in parts! It’s a long, flowing, pink gown, with super long sleeves. It has a blue necklace, detachable collar, tiny blue slippers, and a princess hat! It’s simply gorgeous!

 This is my nature outfit! I love wearing it everywhere, especially on hikes! It has a cute pink butterfly t-shirt, blue denim shorts, and neon orange hiking boots! Everything’s so comfy!

 Here are both of my beds. I have two, because I have two different personalities! There’s the princessy dress-up side of me, which goes with the pink bed, and then there’s my nature loving side, which goes with the blue butterfly bed! They’re both soft and warm!

And here I am in the pink bed! Don’t I look comfy?

 Ah, the fairy costume! I absolutely ADORE this outfit! It has a little summery blue dress with pink flowers, a wand with a pink star on top, a little tiara, and my absolute favorite, the wings! The wings are made out of light pink silk, patterned with little hot pink hearts, and it has wires inside to hold it’s shape! I just love playing dress-up!

These are my pajamas! There’s a pink satin tank top, purple silk bell-bottom PJ shorts, and fuzzy purple slippers! They’re so, so comfy! I love them!

I love this dress! It’s my school uniform! I pair with a blue necklace, and the orange hiking boots from my nature outfit! Most kids hate their school uniform, but I love mine! It’s made of brown wool, with a stiff white collar and an attached brown belt! It’s absolutely darling!

Thank you Dollygirl and Jordy!

This contest is closed, but you can learn more about it here:


  1. cool!
    Did you get my entry?
    Hannah jean?

    1. I didn't. Did you send it in before July 31?

  2. Cool!I LOVE her nature outfit!
    N, i love your website so much!If you can tell, i check your website every day!


  3. I really like the nature bed and outfit. Its really cute. Also, the eye's of your paper doll looks really good. I really like the color of them too!
    PS. The cheeks make her look even cuter!

  4. Oh and 1 more thing. What camera do you use for those pictures.

  5. Thanks for posting it N! :)

    AGTIME-Thanks! I had lots of fun making it!

    Olive-Thank you! And thanks, I'm normally really bad at eyes but after a couple dozen tries I got these! Oh, and I think the camera is called a FUJIFILM, but it's my dad's so I don't know that much about it!

  6. N, I don't mean to rush you but, where is my entry?

    1. What is the name of the doll you entered?

    2. Annie, you know, the one with the pig.

    3. I did get it, and it will be up momentarily. Sorry for the delay!


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