Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fiona's New Legacy Dress

Since Apple White's dress was my favorite (or least hated) of the Ever After High Legacy Day doll outfits, I made one for Fiona. It was nice to finally change her out of her original dress!

You might notice that the purse is not the one included with the Legacy Day set. I didn't feel the need to make an extra purse, since I use the first one to store the items she isn't wearing.

The cape is nice, but the combination of elaborate dress and fancy cape is a little overwhelming. Without the cape, it's easier to see the details of Fiona's dress; I'm especially proud of the high-low skirt. 

The headdress isn't perfect, but I like how it looks on Fiona. I'm not sure about the earrings, though - do you think they look gaudy, or do they look good with the rest of the outfit?

Which outfit do you prefer?

By the way, thank you all for your name suggestions and tutorial ideas. I'll consider them all and try to make as many as I can. You guys are the best!


  1. You could name the new doll Lucy!

  2. I think I like the second one the best, but they are both so adorable!


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