Sunday, October 6, 2013

Who Wore It Best? (Melody Valerie Edition)

Melody Valerie Couture's "Ardith" dress is one of the most stunning pieces of doll clothing that I've ever seen, so of course I had to make it for the trio.
Photo from Melody Valerie Couture
Who, in your opinion, wore it best?

The combination of purple and gold is lovely with Rani's hair, but looking at the photos I'm not sure if the gold earrings were too much.

I thought the pairing of elegant dress and sneakers was an unexpected and fun combination, but there are only so many times that this dress can be worn like that without looking trite. Any ideas for attractive dress shoes?

Tesla's hair is nice, but I wonder what other hairstyles might suit her too. 

Overall, I'm rather satisfied with the dress. It's part of Melody Valerie Couture's new steampunk-inspired line "Invention," and I love how the dress stays within that theme without falling prey to the stereotype that everything steampunk must be copper and smothered in gears. I tried to give the skirt layers more definition by cutting them out separately and gluing them together, and I think it made a real difference in the dress's realism. The little chains are a bit hard to see, so perhaps I'll trace around them in pencil.  

Making this dress was so fun, and a real insight into new methods of outfit construction. I will definitely use the cutting and pasting method in the future!

Who do you think wore the dress best?


  1. Hey- so I was thinking about sending in pics of MY paper dolls, but you seem to be so busy, now might not be a good time
    - Anonymous A.

    1. Feel free to send me anything - I might not see it immediately, but I'm always interested in other paper doll creations.

    2. Ok!
      - Anonymous A.

  2. I think Rani. And I love that name!! The dress is very pretty.

    1. Thank you! I think the name really suits her, and Melinda of MVC is an incredibly talented seamstress.

  3. Nice dress! you did a great job making it in paper form! My paper dolls want me to make them a maudlynne macabre sister, they are SUCH needy little things, XD!
    - Anonymous A.

    1. Thank you! Haha, I know; it makes me glad that paper doll items are free!

    2. Uh-oh, NOW they want a dress like the genie one at the giveaway at doll diaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. for shoes, go to and look in the camp doll diaries posts for the cinderella dress shoes crafts.
    - Anonymous A.

  5. Hey, N, when will you most likely be back? Because I miss your blog. Also, next Tuesday, please could I please send in a guest post? I have a tutorial on how to make a bunk bed/loft bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    - Anonymous A.

    1. Early to mid-November. Feel free to send me anything, anytime - I always love to see what you make.

  6. rani wore it best in my opinion.
    - anonymous A.

  7. Rani all the way!!!! N, how do you take off the dolls clothes if you put tape?

    1. I peel it off, like a sticker. When I have time I'll write up a post with more details on paper doll clothing attachment.

    2. I use tape too!
      -Anonymous A.

  8. I. AM. SO. EXCITED. I just made a paper Ellowyne Wilde! YAY!
    -Anonymous A.

    1. I would love to see a picture if you want to send one.

    2. Maybe I will! I don't know when I'll have time though-
      i have been so busy-
      - Anonymous A.

    3. I might not get it sent in, but I'll try!
      - Anonymous A.

    4. The only thing i have trouble with, is the eyebrows. I mean COME. ON. How hard can eyebrows be?
      Obviously VERY.
      - Anonymous A.

  9. adayfordolls.weebly.comOctober 11, 2013 at 5:59 AM

    I think The doll looks the best!

    1. You mean the American Girl doll? Ouch! Thanks, I guess.

  10. I think Tesla wears it best, because of her blond hair and brown eyes! I love dolls like that! And you MADE that dress! I mean, AMAZING RIGHT??!! I had a doll too, (Liberty Virginia) but I can't find her! I guess that was going to happen, but now I can make a new doll! And new outfits!

    1. Thanks! Sorry to hear about Liberty Virginia (I loved seeing her photos in the summer contest), but I'm sure your new doll will be even better. Can't wait to see it!

    2. Ok! I'll get started on her right away!


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