Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Biggest Doll

Thank you all so much for your kind comments! I really appreciate your good wishes, and will be sure to share the photos when I make my purchase.

Since I don't have a tutorial ready to go yet (though I can't wait until I can get back on that), I thought I'd share some pictures of my newest paper doll, the biggest one I've ever made.

Whereas on average, most of my dolls are three inches tall, this doll is a little over five times that. She's most likely not going to be a "play" doll, since she's so big - I made her for an art display at a library. The piece is tentatively named "Petra," so that's what I'm going to call her throughout this post.

Her face is based on the Ellowyne head sculpt. It isn't perfect, but I like it well enough. Drawing Ellowyne faces is insanely hard (at least for me), but drawing her face wasn't as difficult as drawing Juliet's. I wonder if it was because her face is so much larger?

You might recognize the bunny shirt on the left as one I made for the three-inch dolls. The shirt on the right is not nearly as good (I struggled for ages to come up with a design I didn't hate, and I still don't really like it), but it will do for now. Any ideas for a replacement?

By far my favorite part of the set is the arm tattoo. I'm not really into tattoos in general (just a personal preference), but I wanted to try something new and I'm really happy with the results.

Of course, this is still a work in progress - I still need to color everything in - but I thought you might like to see something a little different. What are your thoughts?


    - Anonymous A.

  2. NOT PERFECT?!?!?!? She's AMAZING!!!!!!!! I LOVE her face and hair!!

  3. Wow, she's brilliant!
    I love the tattoo - personally, I'd never draw one on my dolls, but it suits Petra really well!

  4. Was this the big secret project?
    - Anonymous A.

  5. Omg I can't even draw that good and I am the best
    artist in my class for drawing people btw I was not trying to sound bratty. can you do a tutorial on how to
    shade the hair like that. It's Amazing -luv paper doll newbie ( when I comment on a post I
    will sign as paper doll newbie )


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