Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Anniversary Q&A

Thank you for your questions! I'm always glad to hear from you, and I hope you find these answers satisfactory.

Will you have another contest?

I've got one planned, but I'm not sure when it'll happen - it all depends on when I'll have a few minutes to put together the prize.

Who was your first paper doll?
To tell you the truth, it's been so long that I can't remember. The oldest dolls that I've still got, however, are Gertrude and George - you can see them here.

Do you have any plastic dolls?
Not yet - I'm thinking about purchasing the American Girl of the Year for 2014, but I'm not fully decided. Do you have any doll recommendations?

In general, though, I prefer my paper dolls. They're cheap, portable, easier to store, and give me so much more creative range than plastic dolls. So, aside from that one doll purchase, there won't be too many plastic dolls appearing here.

Who is your favorite American Girl doll?
Which kind do you mean - historical, My American Girl, Girl of the Year, or custom doll? You know what, I'll just give an answer for each:
Historical: Caroline (those eyes) or Cècile.
MyAG: #30 or #55. I like #33 as well, and #38's wig. #46 is also cute.
Girl of the Year: Jess and Kanani for sure, probably Lanie, maybe Chrissa, McKenna, and/or Saige. Still holding out for the African-American girl of the year.
Custom: Colette Denali's Miko, no question. So gorgeous. I'd get her in a heartbeat if she was a stock doll. In general, though, Ms. Denali has fantastic taste in custom dolls; Hanabi and Fiona are also lovely.

What doll that you made is your all time favorite?
That's tricky, but I'm going to go with Alia. She's got such a fun expression and her coloring is nice. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she's based on Miko, whom I've already gushed about above.

Are you going to sell paper dolls? You should totally do that!
Yes! You can see more on that here.

Do you have any American Girls? 
If you're referring to the dolls manufactured by American Girl, the answer is not yet (see above). If you mean paper dolls based on American Girl dolls, then pretty much all of them except for Holly, Meredith, Quinn, Juliet, Aisling, Madeline, and Fiona. (Whew!)

Which doll was the hardest to make? 
Hmmm... I'm going to go with Juliet, my first successful Ellowyne. That face sculpt is beautiful, but so hard for me to draw!

What inspired you to make paper dolls? 
At first, I made paper dolls because I wanted the dolls that they were based on and I couldn't afford them.  That's still true, but even if I had a plastic doll I would still make paper dolls, because it's such a great feeling to know that you can make your own dolls and have as much creative control as you want, something that's not quite as possible with a plastic doll.

If you could have any doll who would they be? 
Colette Denali's Miko (see above). I think I'm a little too obsessed with her, but she is too gorgeous. My dream is to one day own a custom doll just like her. I also love "MetroGirl" Ellowyne and "Mist, Green Tea, and Me."

And that's it! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll do my best to reply.

1 comment:

  1. Your dolls are amazing! you inspired me to make my own blog for my paperdolls that I started making this summer. My blog is macdesignerworld.tumblr.com and I'm also starting a blogger so I'm really excited!


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