Monday, February 17, 2014

Spoiled Girls

These past few weeks have provided an explosion of new releases - Wilde Imagination in late January, American Girl this past Thursday, and Toy Fair starting today. With all this wealth of paper doll inspiration, I decided to make a few things for my crew.

The trio, of course, got the bulk of the new items. Since they're the largest, it's easiest to make clothes for them. The top row is primarily replacement parts for missing/worn out clothing, and below are new clothes.

That's not to say that the trio was the only beneficiary...

Daisy got a few new hairpieces to go with her new dresses...

And Sally got a new hairpiece and dress. While the two Wilde girls are quite cute, their tiny size makes drawing for them very tricky (and the amount of clothing for them quite small), hence the smaller size of their new wardrobe.

I originally planned to make a few winter garments, as the weather was quite frigid for the past few weeks, but the sudden temperature rise changed my mind; ergo, the short sleeves. In a way, I envy my dolls a little - they are quite spoiled to get a whole wardrobe of custom-tailored clothing!

 How have you updated your paper doll wardrobe?

A brief sneak peek at an upcoming post:

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