Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Make Your Own Cerise Wolf (Part 1)

It's been a whirlwind few weeks, but I'm finally back with the Cerise Wolf tutorial I promised you. Cerise has never been my favorite Ever After High character, but the Cerise Wolf doll design is pretty cool, and if you didn't get a chance to grab one at SDCC, here's your chance to make your own!

I'm going to split this tutorial in two parts because my internet connection is really bad (it's limited by week, and I can't upload all the pictures at once without burning out all this week's allotment). The first part will focus on creating the doll, and the next will show you how to create her costume.

As usual, the first step is to sketch out the doll's outline and facial features. 

Use purple and gray colored pencils to draw in her eyeshadow. (Sorry for the bad photo quality in these - I can't edit them without blowing out my internet access, but I'll fix them as soon as I can. Hopefully you can get a better idea of her face from the images in the previous post).


Use tan colored pencils to draw in her skin tone and brows, and use pink for her blush. I added some shading to her face and body to make her look more dimensional.

Color her eyes and lips with marker. My marker tip was too large to let me draw in fangs, so I left them off, but you can always add them after taping the doll by drawing them on with a pin tip dipped in white paint. 

Cut her out and tape her up, and you have your own Cerise Wolf! If you're not satisfied with how she looks, you can very lightly add color and blend it with your fingertip to achieve the shade you want. 

Cerise has white hair with dark brown/black stripes. To add shadow to make it look dimensional, shade her hair with a light gray colored pencil. The doll has blunt cut bangs but I don't like the way they look on my dolls so I made some sideswept bangs instead.

That's it for the first part of the Cerise Wolf tutorial. Check back soon for the rest! Hope you enjoy it, and if you make your own please share the photos - I always love to see what you create.

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