Thursday, January 1, 2015

Grace In Stores

Happy 2015! Like last year, I stopped by the American Girl Place to check out Grace Thomas, and took some photos for any of you who want to draw her items for your paper dolls.  It was crowded and crazy, but a lot less so than last year. I really don't know what's up with the terrible lighting in the American Girl Place, but I hope that these images are helpful.

Grace herself was a lot prettier in person than in her stock photos. Her hair is darker than the photos led me to believe, and she has lighter brown highlights that make the hair look more natural.  She's definitely got a new freckle pattern, and I believe but am not certain that she has Marie-Grace's eyes (that sounds a lot creepier than I intended, sorry). Her eyebrows are thicker than the normal feathered ones, which I also appreciate. 

Here she is in the box:

This picture shows more clearly the different shades of brown in her wig:

A closer look at her bracelet taped to the side of the box. It's definitely cute, but I'm not sure if I'm such a fan of this extra price-spiking accessory trend.

Grace's city outfit is stylish and seems to be well-made, but I wish I could say the same for the accessories (I was so unimpressed with the coin purse, metro ticket, and lipgloss that I neglected to photograph them). They're priced similarly to Isabelle's and contain practically the same items, except Isabelle's seem to be of better value for the cost because they included a jacket. The design team really dropped the ball here.

Despite the misleading stock photo, the cupcakes on her shirt are right-side up. I'm not the biggest fan of this set, but those shoes are pretty cute.

I don't love that the jacket is $28 on its own (at least include a pair of shoes so I don't feel entirely ripped off), but the material is nice and thick, and the buttons are functional, which is impressive. The earrings are meh, though - if you're going to charge extra for exclusive earrings, how about including more than two sets of studs and one set of dangles?

I'm not a fan, but it was a pretty popular item when I was at the store. If any of you attempt to recreate this in paper, I'd love to see it!

Some more of the food cart:

And, of course, the monolithic bakery:

You guys, this thing is massive. I have no idea where or how anyone would store such a thing, but it makes for great photo shoots. 

I can't wait to replicate this in paper!

The thing that made me laugh the most was this, though:

The level of combined sass and revulsion in Bonbon's expression almost makes it worth the price tag. I'd feel the same way if I'd been named after a piece of candy and then had a bow stitched to my ear - I feel your pain, little guy.

Like last year, I didn't buy anything, but seeing the products in person helped inspire me to create my own paper versions (that bakery is happening as soon as I can figure out how to put it together). What do you think of this new collection?


  1. Ooh, I think I'll have to try making a paper-doll bakery! To be honest it's been forever since I brought out my paper dolls.

  2. Hi N! Have you received the email with my guest tutorial in it? I mailed it out at the beginning of the month, and was just wondering since I haven't heard anything back. Thanks!

    1. So sorry about that! I meant to have that up quite a while ago and then I got pretty sick; my apologies for letting that slip through the cracks! I'll have it up shortly, and thanks once again both for sending it to me and for your patience.

    2. No problem! I understand how life can get in the way. :D

  3. Grace is so cute! It would mean so much if you would check out my blog N


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