Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quinn Moves In

Continued from where we left off last week...

Meredith lay down on her bed to process this bit of news when the new roommate came in. 

"Hi, I'm Quinn," she said. "You must be Meredith. Is that your dog?" 

"Her name's Bella," said Meredith, feeling a little intimidated by her new roommate and her strange outfit. 

Bella ran over to Quinn, barking excitedly. "She's really cute," said Quinn, petting her gently.

"What's with the outfit?' asked Meredith, trying to sound polite. 

"It's steam-punk. The human made me another outfit, want to see?"

"Can I try an outfit on?"

"Sure! Can I try on one of your outfits?"

"You're lucky that you got pants. I've only got dresses."

"Well, it's hard to climb into a dirigible in a dress."

"You have a dirigible?" asked Meredith incredulously.

"No, I wish!"

They changed back into their regular outfits and let me take a picture of them next to their beds before going to walk Bella and take a tour of the doll house (currently undergoing renovation). 

Quinn was complaining later that the waffle bed and strawberry hat don't really suit her. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for replacements?


Thanks for reading this post! Your comments make my day and I would love to hear from you. I only ask that you don't write anything malicious.