Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Roommate Revealed

I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your kind get-well wishes. You guys are the best! I'm feeling a lot better, and will probably post the makeup tutorial next week.

Here at last is the new roommate, Quinn Marie!

Do you have dolls that seem to decide their personalities for you? Quinn is definitely one of those cases. Before I made her, I thought that the next Blythe doll I made would be named Natasha and love lollipops, which would work well with Meredith's liking ice cream and kawaii. I never thought of naming her Quinn, nor did I think she would be into fruit and steam-punk. I'm not even that interested steam-punk, so I have no idea where that came from. She's the complete opposite of what I though she would be, and surprisingly I'm really excited about that.

Quinn borrowed Meredith's dress for these photos, but I think that she'd like something with more gears and leather. And a pair of goggles. Guess I have to make a whole new wardrobe for her, and get rid of the lollipop bed... 

I had them pose for one picture together before letting them go off to the room they now share. I hope Quinn likes Bella, because I'm not going to make her a robot dog. 

Are any of you into steam-punk? Do you have any advice for two opposite personalities sharing a room?


  1. To me, Quinn is fabulous!

  2. Ooh! I've got advice for 2 opposite personalities sharing a room! My papers dolls Sydney and Marie share a room. Marie has Down Syndrome and some weight problems. Sydney is beautiful (not that Marie isn't) and popular, but very nice. Whenever Marie is feeling sad about her weight, Sydney weighs her and talks a lot with Marie. So, in general, have them make lots on contact. Have them talk a lot to each other.

  3. And I just realized that your doll's name is Quinn Marie, and mine is named Marie!

  4. Guess what- I made an Ellowyne paper doll! Two actually. "Fitting In" and "Does This Make Me Look Too Happy?" are the ones I chose. :) They're not perfect, but I like them and I think they're good.

    1. I would love to see them!

    2. Might not be able to send pics from this week to 2-3 weeks, but I'll make sure to do it in the near future! Sorry. :(

  5. When do you decide to make a new paper doll?

    1. Whenever I see a doll that I really like. What about you?

    2. I guess I'd make a new one to add more diversity to my paper doll community.

  6. I am so mad right now! I lost my Dal\ Pullip paper doll that I made. If you don't know about Pullip , they are a lot like Blythe dolls and you should go check 'em out id you like Blythe dolls.

  7. I love this doll! (especially the hair)


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