Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Clothes Explosion

Well, technically it's more of a photo dump than an explosion, but "explosion" makes for a better title.

Last week I showed you the dolls' new clothes in progress. Here are a few photos of the completed outfits in a doll-house-esque setting (translation: with props).

A leisurely baking scene with Isabelle, Alia, and Corazòn, all (I hope) wearing their new clothes well. All the shirts and shoes are new, as well as Alia's jeans.  I'm a little obsessed with Alia's outfit, so expect to see it again sometime soon.

Meanwhile, Sally is attempting to snatch a cinnamon bun from the tray...

Poor Daisy is just a little too short to reach the barre. Perhaps I'll make her a smaller barre scaled to her size. She does look nice in her new brown hairpiece, though.

Who would you like to see featured more frequently?


  1. My friend and I made an Elsa paper doll (inspired by Frozen.) She made the hair piece and I made the dress. I'm still in the process of tape laminating the dress and the hair piece! It's our best joint paper doll work so far. Your dolls are simply stunning and the amount of work you must have put into making those tiny props have surely paid off. Bye!


    1. Thanks for the kind comment! Please send me a picture if you can; I would love to see her.

    2. I'm sorry, I can't. :-( I don't have an email address! Boy, I wish I had one. :'-(


  2. When will your store be ready? I've been pulling my hair out in anticipation!


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