Sunday, March 2, 2014

Current Crush: Everything By Sitara Chandra

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you'll know that I have quite a thing for Sitara Chandra and everything she produces. In addition to being a magical photographer and filmmaker, Sitara is also a fantastic seamstress. When I first thought about making the Current Crush series, it was only natural that I should dedicate a post to her incredible creativity and talent.

Since we share an interest in science, a photo shoot of the trio modeling L'Atelier de Sitara pieces in a laboratory set-up seemed only appropriate. (Yes, I know that they should be wearing safety goggles and lab aprons but the purpose is to show off Sitara's beautiful clothing designs, so we'll pretend that lab safety isn't an issue here.)

You may remember Corazòn's top from last week when Alia was modeling it. It's a combination of the "Academia" ensemble cape and shirt - I made the cape, then colored a scrap of paper to match the shirt fabric and glued it to to the cape. The piece came about as an accident - I added the shirt because I mistakenly made the cape too short - but now it's one of my favorite clothing items. The colors are brilliant and sophisticated (at least I think so), and look perfect with Corazòn's brown-green eyes.

You've seen Alia's outfit ad nauseam, but I just had to share it again. The jacket is from the "Most Likely to Succeed" outfit, and the top is "Fleurs d'Automne." The color combination is lovely - pastel without feeling childish - and a great seasonal transition piece. Thanks again to the Doll Wardrobe for styling this outfit!

Isabelle's shirt is the piece I'm not sure about. It's from the "À La Famille" outfit, and looks much better in fabric than on paper. I adapted it to a henly style to give it more visual interest, but I'm not thrilled with it. Maybe it'll grow on me?

And what kind of ode to Sitara would this be without my favorite capelet?

I made another one extra green and black houndstooth, so now two can play in the snow. Something tells me the outfit would look a lot more grown up without the OX Uglydoll hat, but I think it's cute and that Isabelle carries it off well.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Any suggestions for future Current Crushes?


  1. Awesome! How's the store coming? :)

    1. Thanks! Due to a lot of other things going on, and a couple nasty hand injuries, the store is on a bit of hiatus. I'm hoping that things will be ready within a few weeks.

  2. I don't have an idea for Current Crush, but I do have a question. Can you take a picture of one of the trio next to a ruler? I just want to know an approximate measurement for one of your paper dolls. Thanks!


  3. I nominated you for a award! The details are on my blog.

  4. Cute!!
    -Kitty from

  5. Your clothing and dolls are so amazing. I love your stuff. Keep up the good work!


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